Senator Cindy Holscher
About Cindy
Senator Holscher was born in Slater, Missouri, and lives in Overland Park. She holds degrees in journalism, marketing, and political science from the University of Missouri. As a 20-year resident of Johnson County and mother of three, Cindy is passionate about investing in the future of our community.
In 2016, Cindy was elected to her first term as a State Representative and has spent her time in Topeka fighting for fully-funded public schools, access to affordable healthcare, domestic violence reform, and commonsense policies that keep Kansas moving forward. She served two terms in the House before being elected to the Kansas Senate in 2020.
Prior to serving in the Legislature, Cindy worked at Sprint for over a decade developing and overseeing multi-million dollar budgets and operations for various departments. There, she was recognized as an award-winner in developing employees.
Standing Committees:
Insurance (Ranking member)
Financial Institutions
Public Health and Welfare
Interstate Cooperation
Federal and State Affairs
Special/Joint Committees:
Joint Committee on Pensions, Investments and Benefits
Connect with Cindy
In Topeka
Room: 124-E
Phone: 785-296-7659
At Home