Jason Miller
About Jason
Jason followed a fifth-generation Kansan to Newton — where he fell in love with her and with the state of Kansas. He plans to live here the rest of his life, and he hopes to help make Kansas a place that more people want to call home. Jason is the director of Mennonite Abuse Prevention, a nonprofit aiding survivors of sexual violence in Amish, Brethren, and Mennonite communities. He also works at Grazing Plains Farm, a fifth-generation dairy farm east of Newton.
Jason is married to Melanie Krehbiel, a 20-year public school teacher, and together they fostered and adopted two children Jason had learned to know as their Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). Jason personally navigated many of Kansas's systems of care in addition to serving two years on the Kansas Mental Health Task Force.
As Senator, Jason will focus on improving the lives of Kansas children, women, and families through accessible healthcare, quality education, fair taxes, good quality jobs, and smart investments in our communities.